I have a dilemma. One that has now been bugging me for weeks. It’s not that serious…it doesn’t keep me up at night (yet), but it’s something I need to make a decision on within the next few months.

How the heck do I organize my cookbooks/food books?

You see, my cookbooks and other various food-related books are currently sitting precariously on shelves (along with all my other books), sometimes in rows in front of other rows, in no particular order. That was before I ran out of bookshelf space. Then the books started becoming 3-foot stacks on the floor, getting tucked under coffee tables and finally, just left in their shopping bags (yeah, I know, I have a bit of a problem).

food books

Now that we’re making plans to move into our new home, Paul has decided to build me a large bookshelf along one wall of the basement (I can’t wait!)…but that brings me to my current problem – how do I organize my food books?

My other books, fiction and non-fiction, are easy – alphabetically by author. Naturally, my first thought was to organize my food books this way too. And then my thought process started meandering careening towards, and then past, the point of any sane person.

food books

I think I should organize my books by author…but what if I want to browse pasta recipes? Shouldn’t my cookbooks be organized by subject matter, like bookstores do it? Okay, maybe I’ll organize by subject matter…but some books are pretty generic…what about those? And shouldn’t all my Nigella books be together?

Should my cookbooks, food reference books and food writing books be mixed together?

Maybe I’ll just organize them by colour…that would look pretty. Tina [my co-worker] said she organizes her cookbooks by height…is that even possible? I guess it’s okay if I only had 5 cookbooks, but I have close to 150…, no, I don’t think height would work.

Maybe I should arrange them chronologically by when I bought them. Wait, what? That’s just crazy – I can’t remember when I bought all these books. Maybe I should rank them in order of how often I use them. Haha. No, that won’t give them any order at all. Why does this line of thinking remind me of the movie High Fidelity?

food books

It was at this point that I gave up and went to have a brownie. Brownies make everything better.

We’re probably not moving  until early summer and I probably won’t be organizing my books until August, which means I still have lots of time to figure this out. So I’m asking you, dear friends:

How do you organize your cookbooks/food books?

food books