pecan ball cookies

These pecan ball cookie recipe is courtesy of my sister, Suzy, who is definitely coming into her own cooking and baking in her kitchen.

Besides being one of my favourite people, Suzy is definitely someone who encourages all my crazy food ideas and habits!

You can connect with Suzy on Twitter: @suziesaurus

My name is Suzy and I am Stephanie’s sister. My love of food started at an early age, but has most definitely been amplified and nurtured by my food-obsessed husband, my food blogger sister and brother-in-law (Stephanie and Paul), and my foodie sister-in-law and her husband.

This recipe is from my mother-in-law (shared to me from my sister-in-law). Unfortunately, I’m not sure where she got it from. I love how easy it is and how perfect the cookies always come out. They are perfect for Christmas, or any time for that matter. It’s a great recipe to make with kids because it’s easy, hassle-free, and the cookies come out great.

pecan ball cookies
mrs. chan's pecan ball cookies 

yield: 24 ball cookies

mrs. chan's pecan ball cookies 


  • 1 cup of pecans, grounded (I bought ground pecans from my local bulk food store which is cheaper than whole pecans & results in browner cookies. If you use whole/halved pecans and crush them you will get lighter cookies with nice chunks of pecans in it.)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter, room temperature, not melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup all purpose flour (the recipe says “sifted”, but I don’t think this is necessary)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Icing sugar for dusting


  1. Heat oven to 375 degrees Farenheit
  2. Mix ground pecans, sugar, butter, vanilla, flour and salt in a bowl. Mix everything together with your hands until it holds together nicely (no need to use a mixer for this).
  3. Pinch pieces of dough about the size of a walnut and roll in to a ball.
  4. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet for 10-15 minutes (I usually choose to line my baking sheet with aluminum foil or my silicon mat to make clean up easier).
  5. Sprinkle with icing sugar while the cookies are still warm.


pecan ball cookies

The recipe and all photos used in this blog post belong to Suzy Y. and should not be reprinted without her express permission.