Some of my regular visitors may have noticed that there have been a few more cookbook reviews than usual lately.

The reason behind all the book reviews? Well, it wasn’t intentional when I started. As some of you may know, my mom had a stroke back in early November and was in the hospital for the past two months (she was discharged just over a week ago). Because she needed full-time care, I spent A LOT of November and December in a hospital room. Basically, I went to my full-time job during the day, then straight to the hospital after work, and then finally home at around 9pm most days.

food books

All that time spent at the hospital meant a few things:
– I basically did not spend any time at all during the past two months in the kitchen (except for a great Christmas Even dinner)
– I lost a bunch of weight
– I read A LOT.

I figured since I had all that time on my hands (and no free wifi) just sitting in a hospital room, I may as well put it to good use, so I started reading my cookbooks. And reviewing them. And now I have a backlog of cookbook reviews to post! LOL.

The good thing is that I’ve always wanted to start posting cookbook reviews regularly, and this really gave me the push that I needed. I never thought that I could just have a site that reviewed cookbooks (if I had, this blog might have been named Cookbook Frolic!) and that’s still not what I want to do, but I definitely like the idea of being a little more book involved!

food books

Over the past year, kitchen frolic has really changed from the recipe blog that I started with and I have to say – I’m having more fun than ever. When I was constantly trying to create something new in the kitchen, I never seemed to have the energy to write about it and my blog suffered from a lack of posts and almost no focus.

So, with the start of the new year, there’s going to be a bigger shift towards more cookbook reviews, gadget reviews and cooking from my cookbooks. Things that I feel keep the kitchen fun and interesting for us. There will still be original recipes, but it won’t be the main focus of this blog (or my life) anymore. My hope is that my reviews and discoveries will help you add things to your kitchen that make things fun and interesting as well!

I hope you’ll stick around for the adventure – who knows what I’ll discover along the way?!